Compilation Flags

The typestate macro provides several cargo features, mostly focused on the visualization of your typestate's automata.

Mermaid Diagrams

docs-mermaid will embed Mermaid.js diagrams in your documentation.

This feature is activated by default, regarless, see below how you can explicitly activate it.

In the terminal, for each run:

cargo doc --features docs-mermaid

Or by declaring it in Cargo.toml:

typestate = { version = "0.8.0", features = [ "docs-mermaid" ] }

DOT Diagrams

export-dot - will generate a .dot file, describing your typestate's state machine. You can customize certain .dot parameters through the following environment variables:

  • DOT_PAD - specifies how much, in inches, to extend the drawing area around the minimal area needed to draw the graph.
  • DOT_NODESEP - nodesep specifies the minimum space between two adjacent nodes in the same rank, in inches.
  • DOT_RANKSEP - sets the desired rank separation, in inches.
  • EXPORT_FOLDER - declare the target folder for exported files.

This feature is not activated by default, see below how you can activate it.

In the terminal, for each run:

cargo doc --features export-dot

Or by declaring it in Cargo.toml:

typestate = { version = "0.8.0", features = [ "export-dot" ] }

For more information on DOT configuration, I recommend you read through DOT documentation.


These examples are present in the examples/ folder in the repository's root.


PlantUML Diagrams

export-plantuml will generate a PlantUML state diagram (.uml file) of your state machine. Like the previous feature, you can also customize this one through the following environment variables:

  • PLANTUML_NODESEP - nodesep specifies the minimum space between two adjacent nodes in the same rank.
  • PLANTUML_RANKSEP - Sets the desired rank separation.
  • EXPORT_FOLDER - Declare the target folder for exported files.

This feature is not activated by default, see below how you can activate it.

In the terminal, for each run:

cargo doc --features export-plantuml

Or by declaring it in Cargo.toml:

typestate = { version = "0.8.0", features = [ "export-plantuml" ] }

For more information on PlantUML configuration, I recommend you read through PlantUML Hitchhiker's Guide.


These examples are present in the examples/ folder in the repository's root.
