Typecheking protocols with Mungo and StMungo: A session type toolchain for Java |
behavioral/session-types/1-s2.0-S0167642317302186-main.pdf |
Implementing Multiparty Session Types in Rust |
behavioral/session-types/Lagaillardie2020_Chapter_ImplementingMultipartySessionT.pdf |
A Revision of the Mool Language |
behavioral/session-types/mool/1604.06245.pdf |
From Object-Oriented Code with Assertions to Behavioural Types |
behavioral/session-types/mool/3019612.3019733.pdf |
Typechecking Java Protocols with [St]Mungo |
behavioral/session-types/mungo/VDG20.pdf |
Foundations of Typestate-Oriented Programming |
behavioral/typestate/10.1145_2629609.pdf |
Typestates to Automata and back: a tool |
behavioral/typestate/2009.08769.pdf |
Concurrency by Default |
onward2009-concurrency.pdf |